Jens Willmer

Tutorials, projects, dissertations and more..

GitHub commit signing

In this post I explain all steps to get the nice green verified flag in GitHub commits when publishing from Windows via GitHub Desktop.

Verified Commit

Generate a new GPG key

  • Download Gnu PG and install it.
  • Open Git bash
  • Start generating a key with gpg --full-generate-key
  • Use key type RSA and RSA
  • Set key size to 4096
  • Define how long the key should be valid
  • Enter user information

The email must match your verified GitHub email. You can also use the GitHub provided no-reply mail.

  • Add a passphrase to secure your key. This needs to be supplied on any commit.

Removing the passphrase from an existing key can be done by setting the password to empty.

$ gpg --list-secret-keys
  sec   4096R/XXXX <creation date>
  uid                  name <email.address>
  ssb   4096R/YYYY <creation date>
$ gpg --edit-key XXXX   
$ gpg> passwd 

Export and backup your public and private key

$ gpg --list-secret-keys -keyid-format LONG
  sec   4096R/XXXX <creation date>
  uid                  name <email.address>
  ssb   4096R/YYYY <creation date>
$ gpg --armor --export XXXX
$ gpg --armor --export-secret-key XXXX

Configure your system

  • Create a new PGP key in the user settings of under SSH and GPG keys and add your public key

  • Lookup the path of your GPG binary file via where gpg
  • Escape the path like this C:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin\\gpg.exe
  • Open your .gitconfig file located in your home directory or execute the following command in the command line to open it git config --global --edit
  • Add or update the following settings in this file
# YOUR_SIGNING_KEY is the same as you used for exporting your PGP key

  signingkey = YOUR_SIGNING_KEY
  program = GPG_BINARY_PATH
  gpgsign = true

Now you can start the GitHub Desktop app and commit something. When opening your new commit in GitHub you should see the verify symbol!
